Update des War-Servers und der Ban-Portals
2.08.09 18:11 Uhr Anubis


Auf dem War-Server läuft ab jetzt die aktuelle Version von zBlock (Version 4.4). Die neuen ESL Configs sind auch drauf.


Dann habe ich auch unser Ban-Portal auf den aktuellen Stand gebracht.


Unsere Clan-HP werd ich demnächst updaten, sowie ich Zeit dazu habe.


zBlock 4.4 - Changelog:


- Fixed the defuse-kit on bomb bug.
- Running tv_record now prints connected players Steam IDs to the TV/demo stream.
- Added crouch-bug fix (zb_crouchfix).
- Added bunny-hop fix (zb_bunnyfix).
- Added fix for super-boosting.
- Fixed a silent-run exploit.
- Blocked a new server crash/lag command.
- "ent_fire" blocked even when sv_cheats is enabled.
- Kicks 'unconnected' exploiters.
- "net_graph 2" is now an illegal value on zBlock servers.
- "fps_max" values below 60 are now illegal on zBlock servers (not including 0=unlimited).
- Cvar scanning intervals slightly reduced.
- Added several auth-host aliases to the plugin.
- zb_allowcashcalling now defaults to enabled.
- zb_doorfix can now only be enabled on tick 85-100 servers.
- phys_timescale locked to 1.0 when zb_doorfix enabled.
- phys_timescale removed from notify.
- Multiple-load issues should be fixed.
- zb_dosprotect is now disabled with zb_active 0, previously it was always active.
- A few small code fixes (none were notable bugs). 

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